Any updates on Clickhouse as a destination? Last I...
# feedback-and-requests
Any updates on Clickhouse as a destination? Last I heard, you were bandwidth-limited on this. I note that of all the destinations airbyte currently supports, all OLAP destinations are cloud services. For the open source destinations we only have MySQL and PostgresQL, both OLTP (excluding Meilisearch and Kafka). Having an open source OLAP destination, such as Clickhouse, will be a game changer! :)
There is no specific ETA for this connector yet😞
awwhh. Anything we can do as a community to help? (I'm unfortunately not capable of coding though sadly)
Clickhouse has a JDBC driver, the database destination connectors now are quite straightforward to implement. Maybe, copy Postgres destination and change driver to the Clickhouse and start testing/changing code
@s any comments on this? 😁
It’s prioritized for scoping 😁
we’ll probably start work on it relatively soon, again no concrete ETA that I can promise yet, we’ll see how certain deliverables shake out. This is definitely one of our highest value deliverables in terms of database connectors