is there a graceful way to handle quota limits on ...
# feedback-and-requests
is there a graceful way to handle quota limits on Google Analytics? I tried to sync back to 2019, and I ran into a quota limit. The stream then errored out and didn't load any data, so if I were to restart it, same thing would happen.
Are you only trying to get one stream or all streams from Google Analytics? (not the best solution) but maybe creating a connection per stream to retrieve more data
so I was trying to get just 1 stream, back to 2018 so a fully historical load. What happened was the quota was met so the whole thing just failed and loaded no data. I updated the lookback window to 3 months and had no problem
To be honest this is a good use case. Bring historical data that is limited from API quota. Should we add a aditional field as end request so you can do it manually or we should stop and process data that was able to ingest? Could you open a Github issue requesting more discussion about this topic Dan?