S3 v0.3 destinaction deleted all my data in the bu...
# troubleshooting
S3 v0.3 destinaction deleted all my data in the bucket... in documentation I read why but still there should be never option to delete something after an upgrade. Pretty furious about this one
Ouch 😱! So sorry to hear that…
in documentation I read why
Are you referring to?
⚠️ Please note that under “Full Refresh Sync” mode, data in the configured bucket and path will be wiped out before each sync. We recommend you to provision a dedicated S3 resource for this sync to prevent unexpected data deletion from misconfiguration. ⚠️
@Chris Duong [Airbyte] correct. I had five connectors with incremental and one with full refresh... And everything was wiped out clean
This behavior is not tied to the upgrade to v0.3 though, it’s been there since the beginning: https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/pull/3672/files#r641008420 but maybe we can work on improving on warning on the implications of the configuration better…
(or make the deletion revertable with some kind of trash area where the data is moved to for some time before being permanently deleted)
before upgrading to v0.3 it would just truncate the files in the FOLDER now it deletes the entire BUCKET 😞
@Chris Duong [Airbyte] so I guess it is tied to the update
I see, you’re right.
would be great to solve this somehow, that it won't delete the entire bucket
New version of the connector is published
@Chris Duong [Airbyte] I noticed that it got merged, when it would be possible to see 0.3.1 version to download?
or is it merged to 0.3.0?
0.3.1 you can try to upgrade your instance with it
thanks a lot Chris!!
@Chris Duong [Airbyte] FYI s3 destination when selected to save as csv, did not add any file assignation in 0.3.0. In 0.3.1 it adds csv.gz
yes i noticed that and fixed it while reworking the deletion
I'm late to the party but the same just happened to me 😢
Sorry @Rafael Auyer about that… I did give you a (late?) warning on the other thread where you were asking to put
as your bucket path… I hope the damage was not too painful…
@Rafael Auyer welcome to the party 😞
In my case I had a folder "airbyte", so damage was restricted to that folder.