Hi. I am new to Airbyte. I have some questions I w...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hi. I am new to Airbyte. I have some questions I would like to ask. Question 1
Let's say I have 2 instances of Airbyte running,
respectively. In prod, the environment variables such as Database config would differ from dev (for obvious reasons 😅). Is there a way I can do CI/CD or automatically port the change made on dev to prod without having to recreate the Airbyte connection on prod manually?
I found this article, but I am not too sure if it is related https://airbytehq.slack.com/archives/C01MFR03D5W/p1636143791206800
Let's say I have 1 connection which has 1 source (
postgres-sandbox database
) and 1 destination (
bigquery-sandbox project
I would like to create Airbyte connection which will then sync the source to destination.
After testing out that this connection works, I want to be able to export the connection config but instead of using
postgres-sandbox database
bigquery-sandbox project
, I want to use
postgres-production database
bigquery-production project
Is there a proper way I can do this?
Question 2
I have noticed that, for any schema change to reflect on destination, I need to "Update the source schema". If I click on it, it will reset the setting and ask me to reselect all the tables that I want and set the sync mode and cursor field again. Is there any other way I could achieve the same result but less hassle?
Let's say I have 40 tables in this connection. Updating the source schema means I would then have to re-select all of these tables. It is not very convenient to do so.
Hi there! Thank you for your time posting in our Slack Channel. This week we’re moving our support discussions over to discuss.airbyte.io; if you would be so kind as to post your questions there, you’ll be able ask for help from fellow users as well as the Airbyte team. It is our intention that as of Friday afternoon (Pacific Time) we will lock this channel to everything except administrator posts. We’ll leave everything in place for the rest of April if you need to get information or troubleshooting from existing threads, with the intention of archiving the channel in early May. We really appreciate everyone helping us to build our community, and we’re looking forward to the next phase.
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