Quick question on Airbyte.. Is it possible to comb...
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Quick question on Airbyte.. Is it possible to combine two sources? ie, use output from one source to execute a second source? It looks like it’s a simple pull -> transform -> store kind of setup, and I’m trying to understand how we might use it
cc @John (Airbyte) perhaps
cc @Marcos Marx (Airbyte) @Harshith (Airbyte)
@Greg Solovyev (AirByte)
Could you tell us more about what you are trying to achieve?
yeah sure so Id like to pull in Ids from Source A and use those Ids to query source B which will involve many API request. Not entirely sure if airbyte is capable
This is an interesting use case. There isn’t a way to string together two sources like this OOTB, but I imagine, you could implement a custom connector that would read IDs from Source A and use those IDs to query Source B and generate the output based on the results from both sources.