not sure if this is the best channel for this, but...
# troubleshooting
not sure if this is the best channel for this, but: Has anyone here successfully implemented Sentry to monitor errors from Airbyte? I followed the instructions here and changed the SENTRY_DSN value in the .env file to match the one listed with my Sentry project, but sync failures don’t seem to emit events to Sentry. Is there some configuration step I am missing, either within Airbyte or Sentry?
OK, so, a bit more investigation is showing that the SENTRY_DSN workspace environment variable isn’t propagating to the connector images the way it is supposed to (per Airbyte’s docs on the Sentry integration). Does anyone know a straightforward method of adding env variables to the connector images?Or rather, implementing the first suggestion in the docs:
Define the
environment variable into Dockerfile of necessary connectors.
Hi team, I am still scratching my head about how to cleanly integrate Sentry with Airbyte by adding the DSN to the docker image environments (see above thread) - does anyone have any advice?
Hi team, I am still scratching my head about how to cleanly integrate Sentry with Airbyte by adding the DSN to the docker image environments (see above thread) - does anyone have any advice?
Hi there! Thank you for your time posting in our Slack Channel. This week we’re moving our support discussions over to; if you would be so kind as to post your questions there, you’ll be able ask for help from fellow users as well as the Airbyte team. It is our intention that as of Friday afternoon (Pacific Time) we will lock this channel to everything except administrator posts. We’ll leave everything in place for the rest of April if you need to get information or troubleshooting from existing threads, with the intention of archiving the channel in early May. We really appreciate everyone helping us to build our community, and we’re looking forward to the next phase.