re: bug introduced by update to docker-compose: go...
# contributing-to-airbyte
re: bug introduced by update to docker-compose: got to a place where i could get the app running in dev one time with the named volumes, but can’t get it to start a second time without having to clear out all the volumes first. will pick it up again tomorrow.
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ERROR: Configuration for volume dev-local specifies "device" driver_opt /tmp/airbyte_local, but a volume with the same name uses a different "device" driver_opt (/host_mnt/private/tmp/airbyte_local). If you wish to use the new configuration, please remove the existing volume "dev-local" first:
it seems like the issue is that compose is not resolving the path of the volumes properly on the second try to it thinks the volume is misconfigured.
that’s my current hypothesis anyway and is somewhat inline with some of the changes we saw in compose. though haven’t nailed down exactly what line this would have happened on.
this theory seems correct.
if i: • start from scratch • create the named volumes with device:
• compose up, stuff looks good • compose down. • compose up, fails with the error above • if i set device to
, it works
obviously this isn’t really workable so still need to find a solution.
but i think the mechanics of what’s going on here are starting to make sense.
going to submit an issue to the docker compose people to see if they won’t help.
I’m a little confused how this isn’t already reported though. It seems like named local volumes are just entirely broken.
seems like we should go with what jared mentioned and see if i can just get it working without using named volumes.
will pick this up when i get back, but have to head to paint store now for a bit.