Hi, there, when i run the gradle task `:airbyte-in...
# contributing-to-airbyte
Hi, there, when i run the gradle task
, I will always get the error (#shown as the followed log file), that will led to the fail of the gradle build process. Is that cause of the version of Python or something? Thanks.
Hello! I've seen that too and sorted it out by installing
Copy code
postgresql python-dev
packages (depending on your OS)... Not sure if it's the best approach to these errors though https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11618898/pg-config-executable-not-found
Thx! After a long time installing postgresql, it worked for me to solved
pg_config executable not found.
problem. But I met another error, I will try on to fix it.
The error is
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> Task :airbyte-integrations:connectors:source-postgres-singer:checkPython FAILED
         dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../.Python
           Referenced from: /Users/airbyte/airbyte-integrations/connectors/source-postgres-singer/.venv/bin/python
           Reason: image not found

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
Seems many people are running into this are related to OSX (are you on a mac right?)
Yes, I am running this on Mac
I followed this method, but it not worked for me.
seems to be more around python installation than aws related?
Funny, people are just reinstalling a bunch of things in order to fix this here in different ways... it's really unclear https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17703510/dyld-library-not-loaded-reason-image-not-found
Yes, I think so, It’s a question about python more than awscli.
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../.Python
error just fixed!
Here is the way how I fix it: • check what’s the
/Users/airbyte airbyte integrations/connectors/source - postgres - singer /. Venv/bin/python
corresponding link, I found it pointed to the python3.7 (#sorry forgot to get a screenshot), but no installation python3.7 on my computer • install python3.7 and add python3.7 to path • Be sure to manually delete all
folders in the project, because
./gradlew clean
will not clear
files, which will cause
to still link to a python path that did not exist before, and it will still report an error • Rerun
./gradlew clean build
, which will rebuilds the Python venv folder, and the problem will be solved
But I just come into another error 😂
which is
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ld: library not found for -lssl
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
error: command 'clang' failed with exit status 1
ERROR: Failed building wheel for psycopg2
Failed to build psycopg2
https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues/707 @Winar does the workaround specified in this issue fix the latest exception?
Yes!! That workaround works for me! I had spent such a long time to fix this without any progress. Thanks for find and sharing the link! @s Also thanks for @Chris (deprecated profile)’s help! 🎁