hi there ! I am trying to apply this <tutorial> an...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
hi there ! I am trying to apply this tutorial and I noticed that with version 0.35.59-alpha, the command to extract normalization files uses dbt=1.0.0
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docker run --rm -i -v airbyte_workspace:/data -w /data/$NORMALIZE_WORKSPACE/normalize --network host --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/dbt airbyte/normalization debug --profiles-dir=. --project-dir=. 
09:55:47  Running with dbt=1.0.0
But when running the transformation in Airbyte will fail with
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2022-03-30 10:00:19 INFO i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):82 - fishtownanalytics/dbt:0.19.1 was found locally.
2022-03-30 10:00:19 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):106 - Creating docker job ID: 17
2022-03-30 10:00:19 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):158 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/17/0/transform --log-driver none --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.35.59-alpha --entrypoint /bin/bash fishtownanalytics/dbt:0.19.1 entrypoint.sh run
2022-03-30 10:00:19 dbt > Running from /data/17/0/transform/git_repo
2022-03-30 10:00:19 dbt > detected no config file for ssh, assuming ssh is off.
2022-03-30 10:00:19 dbt > Running: dbt run --profiles-dir=/data/17/0/transform --project-dir=/data/17/0/transform/git_repo
2022-03-30 10:00:21 dbt > Running with dbt=0.19.1
2022-03-30 10:00:21 dbt > Encountered an error while reading the project:
2022-03-30 10:00:21 dbt >   ERROR: Runtime Error
2022-03-30 10:00:21 dbt >   at path []: Additional properties are not allowed ('dispatch', 'model-paths', 'packages-install-path', 'seed-paths' were unexpected)
Is there a way to set the dbt version in
or is there a stable version to use ? Thanks !
yes instead of
you can set
do you mean in the command
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2022-03-30 10:00:19 INFO i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):158 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/17/0/transform --log-driver none --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.35.59-alpha --entrypoint /bin/bash fishtownanalytics/dbt:0.19.1 entrypoint.sh run
because these are the logs of airbyte in my local environment
and I don't know how to change it
If I look at this issue, where you replied https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues/7492, I don't see any way to set it manually, unless I'm mistaken
when you configure your custom transformation, you can select the docker image that is used to run it?
ah, right !
Didn't notice it
seems to work better, I have another error, but I'll look into it, thanks !