How do people feel about an `experimental` folder ...
# contributing-to-airbyte
How do people feel about an
folder for us to check in more hacky scripts/tools that aren’t part of the ‘main’ build? this folder is ‘special’ in that 1) the code doesn’t need to be reviewed to be checked in 2) it doesn’t need to be high quality, and tends to be more operational stuff that we might reuse down the line e.g. I recently wrote a simple script quickly insert a bunch of rows into a 5 column table as part of the Redshift work. A Dev could compose more ‘standard’ calls from our common libs or they could use something like this and save 10 - 20 mins of time.
We do have a tools directory which doesn’t have testing but is for random operational stuff. It is reviewed though.
I think the kind of thing you’re describing is fine to put into a PR and put into