What am I doing wrong?
What much resource are you allow Docker use?
This is on a GCP n1-standard-2
So 2 vCPUs & 7.5GB RAM
Doesn't seem I come close to any limits
Btw I see in the temporal logs:
Default namespace default already registered.
Server outputs the message I posted, cycled with
2022-03-28 19:55:38 WARN i.a.w.t.TemporalUtils(getTemporalClientWhenConnected):185 - Waiting for default namespace to be initialized in temporal...
@[DEPRECATED] Marcos Marx is that enough resources just to try it out?
should be @Tino de Bruijn
what OS are you using? if you try to resintall it?
Fresh Ubuntu 20 install. See here for the full details and logs: https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues/11277
Hey Tino do you mind increasing the resources and try again to see if it works?
I'll try, but non of the docker containers is using more than 3% mem or cpu, so I doubt that's going to make a difference?
That indeed didn't make a difference. I'm giving up.