Hi everyone.. has the appsflyer connector been pul...
# connector-development
Hi everyone.. has the appsflyer connector been pulled? I can’t find it in the source list (using version 0.35.57 alpha). Thanks
Hi Mijbel - this is because the AppsFlyer source is not currently added to the API/UI.
Hi Mijbel - this is because the AppsFlyer source is not added to the source definitions that determine which sources are available in the UI. I'm opened a draft PR (#11455) to get it added to the source definitions. I know the changes needed based on Step 11 in this guide. However, I'm struggling to get the source to show up locally, hence the draft PR vs. regular PR. If anyone has ideas on how to get this over the hump, or if you're able to see the source locally, please let me know.
Thanks @Cameron Taylor team will check and get back over the PR