I'm working on an individual job board scraping pr...
# contributing-to-airbyte
I'm working on an individual job board scraping project. I have an end-to-end example built using Python to scrape GitLab's job board, Airbyte for ELT, and Dagster for orchestration. It's essentially a combination of the Airbyte-Airflow and Airbyte-Dagster recipes with a couple nuances. Would it be useful to you all for me to write a tutorial on this project, or do you typically only want one tutorial per combination of technologies? The tutorial would basically encompass the Installation section of the GitLab repo.
@Ari Bajo (Airbyte) what do you think about it?
Hi Cameron, thanks for sharing your work, nice project! 🙂 I see from your Gitlab repo that you are using Airbyte to load data from a local JSON file to Postgres. When it comes to publishing under https://airbyte.com/tutorials, we haven't prioritized that use case yet.
Sounds good - I wasn't sure if the Dagster-Airbyte piece would be helpful, but I know you've already got the great tutorial from Owen. I may write it up anyway for myself, so just let me know if you all ever want it!
Sounds good, feel free to share early on with me if you want feedback!