I need to test SchedulerApp with my local code cha...
# contributing-to-airbyte
I need to test SchedulerApp with my local code changes. What’s the best way to launch that thing, such that it’s possible to tell whether I broke it? This is my first time trying to test it in isolation rather than just running the entire docker compose setup. Or if
docker-compose up
is enough for running locally changed code, how do I find the relevant logs through the console spam?
And you can launch it in one terminal tab and then look at logs for a specific service separately
docker-compose logs server
for example
you can run using
docker-compose up -d
this will run in the background
As best I can tell, my addition to the service didn’t break anything. I do have some other errors showing, that seem to be related to not having environment variables set for sources/destinations. I assume those are ignorable.
Our acceptance tests build the docker images and run end to end syncs on both docker-compose and kubernetes.
These are designed to catch configuration/`main` function-level issues