Airbyte team - I’m running on a brand new clean br...
# contributing-to-airbyte
Airbyte team - I’m running on a brand new clean branch.  I run ./gradlew format and there are whitespace changes in files.  I didn’t expect that to be possible with the build-enforced whitespace formatter.  It affects 4 different connectors, and hit java, json, and py files. Is this a side effect of not automatically running the connector build when building platform? Perhaps we need to see if we can still force the whitespace format, even without doing a full build?
weird. what's the commit hash?
21e6d49d, b7c8101ca, 25c04db29, 9e529545c2 Those seem to be the hashes of some of the affected files. There might be a few more hashes; I didn’t verify every file. These are on master with bad whitespace at the moment.
the behavior you're seeing is definitely wrong. that being said. is there a reason why you're using that command as opposed to:
Copy code
SUB_BUILD=PLATFORM ./gradlew format
this will only format the platform part of the project which makes life a lot easier because you don't need to install all the connector python depedencies.
sorry. i know that's not super helpful, but i can't realistically get all the connectors to install all of their deps without running into a failure.
is this what you're seeing?
this is what i see when format fails somewhere in the middle.
Yeah that’s the same set of files. I’m working on a connector build right now… I decided to try to make sure whitespace was not-wrong before I started, and apparently targeted too broad of an area for it, but that worked fine in the past so I didn’t realize a change in process was necessary. I’m mainly trying to reformat my own connector json and java for now.
got it.
@s do you have advice on how to run format on a single connector?
I actually don't really know how to do this.
is the format command failing for you jenny?
typically if format fails halfway through then you might find some half-formatted files
Well, it failed when I had a bad json in there, but I moved my bad json out of the way and then ran format again, and was still seeing whitespace differences even from a pristine state.
I suspect the reason this is not reflected in the master branch is because of this line: it’s running on connectors base not all connectors which means there could be formatting changes not checked into git. So running
./gradlew build
locally (which formats) could produce local diffs
charles, was it intentional that this is formatting connectors_base and not connectors?
my guess is if we change that line to
then it’ll fail master build
Do we need a ticket on this? Is one of you doing a fix, or should I make a PR?
errr. yeah. some combination of oversight and just not knowing how formatting should work for connectors.
i generally think that any command that requires running pip install for every single connector is not going to go well. but probably getting this right in the build now is wortwhile and then evolving from there.
Maybe each python connector should have its own pyenv or conda environment. That would at least narrow the scope of conflicts. But yes that’s for later.
haha. that's actually the problem (to some extent). every python connector has its own pyenv which means that we spend a lot of time reinstalling the same deps over and over.
A prewarmed local cache might help speed, but yeah, I think that’s largely inevitable. As long as they’re based on differing libraries, they’re truly each their own “build”, and that’s the nature of a build artifact. It’s just a pain for this kind of scenario. Every workaround I know of comes with its own downsides.
I’ll pick back up in the morning. Let me know if I need to do anything more complex than ‘git pull; git rebase master’ to pick up a fix. I’m not sure who’s actually doing the fix for this.