Does anyone have a cheat sheet for Version Control...
# contributing-to-airbyte
Does anyone have a cheat sheet for Version Control best practices for Airbyte connector development? For developing multiple new connectors in parallel (with teammates), should I just fork
from git, and then make a new branch for each connector? There is a lot written in the docs about connector dev, but i’m not finding anything specific for managing git (and the section on Monorepo Python Development + Gradle is a bit intimidating for airbyte novices looking to experiment with the platform). If someone from the dev team can confirm or correct the below, I am happy to record my process and contribute to the docs I understand that new connectors get containerized. If I am new to Airbyte, looking to quickly get started with a custom connector, and don’t intend to contribute to main in the immediate future…am I right to think that - 1. my fork with custom connector(s) never needs to be deployed to production and should only exist locally 2. my production airbyte instance should be deployed directly from
3. locally-developed custom connectors should be containerized and added to prod via the UI a. can private container images be added via the UI? I have only been able to add public
For developing multiple new connectors in parallel (with teammates), should I just fork 
 from git, and then make a new branch for each connector?
my production airbyte instance should be deployed directly from 
locally-developed custom connectors should be containerized and added to prod via the UI
can private container images be added via the UI? I have only been able to add public
as long as the docker agent backing the cluster has access to the private repo, airbyte will be able to pull the image. e.g. if this is on docker for mac, you don’t need to do anything and airbyte should be able to read the image, if this on a cloud instance, you have to push the image to a private repository and make sure the docker agent on the instance airbyte is running on can access the private repository
@Davin Chia (Airbyte) understood. Thank you