Hi everyone, I was trying to set up 2 Mongo DB to ...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hi everyone, I was trying to set up 2 Mongo DB to Postgres connection. For one of the Mongo databases it worked perfectly fine, for the other one it didn’t. The difference I could see so for is that the one not working has to be set up using TLS. I’ve attached to logs. It would be great, if you could help me and and point me into the right direction. Thanks a lot!
could you connect to both of them? or the second one you didnt manage to finish the set up part?
I was able to set both up as sources and connect to the one without TLS. Trying to connect to the second one didn’t work. This is what I see
hm, are you using Mongo Atlas?
That could be. I’m checking with the devs. If we’re using it, what would that mean? I saw the note in the docs:
To work with Atlas MongoDB, a *non-free* tier is required, as the free tier does not support the ability to perform the mapReduce operation.
I just saw this discussion: https://airbytehq.slack.com/archives/C021JANJ6TY/p1621008681268300 Could it be the same issue?
it's possible but you were enable to set a new source, in that problem he couldnt do it. can you confirm you have a non-free mongo atlas account? this is a limitation of mongo connector today. there an issue to improve the mongo connector and remove this limitation
Yes, we are using MongoDB Atlas for the one that’s not working. Do you have a timeline for the improvement? We are able to access the data for now, but it would be great to plan ahead 🙂
https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues/3428 we have this issue to transfer the mongodb to java, this probably will remove the mapreduce dependency and you should be able to use free version of mongodb atlas