hello airbyte team! quick question: is <powered by...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
hello airbyte team! quick question: is powered by airbyte an OEM offering, or a hosted self-serve option for airbyte?
Hey Ju! hope you're doing great. Powered by Airbyte is across all our editions, meaning that you can leverage our open-source edition to offer our integrations on your platform using our API, or you can do that but have the connectors being hosted and managed in Airbyte Cloud.
👋 2
once we got Airbyte Enterprise, same you can have it in this hosting solution
Powered by Airbyte is more like just another interface for our product (API vs UI)
makes sense?
gotcha! just so i understand completely: would this product charge companies (ex. nike, twitter, etc.) or would it charge platforms? (ex. segment/other cdps, etc.). it feels like this offering is more the latter?
yep the latter
your clients are your clients
👍 2
awesome, appreciate the clarification John!