Hey Airbyte <!subteam^S01M74AUQSE|@team>! Is there...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hey Airbyte <!subteam^S01M74AUQSE|@team>! Is there a way to import configuration from a lower version (
, to be precise)? I read on your docs that
This step will throw an exception if the data you are trying to upload does not match the version of Airbyte that is running.
However, I wanted to check if there is a way around, for example downgrading, importing, and then upgrading etc. Cheers!
Just to add to this – I don’t get an exception thrown when I try to import my v0.19 backup file to v0.26.1 – the page refreshes (as the disclaimer in the GUI says) but nothing else happens
are you having trouble upgrading from
No, I’m having trouble importing an old config
I made a backup some time ago while I was still running v0.19 it seems, then recently had to suspend and delete the VM on the GCP and therefore re-install docker and airbyte hence the fresh installation of v0.26.1 that I’d like to import the old config to
if you follow the docs you linked, you should be fine by upgrading your archived backup to 0.26.1, then you’ll be able import it in
My 0.19 installation is down already and I’ve wiped the VM it was running on. All I have left of it is the backup. So what I actually need to do is downgrade my new installation in order to be able to upload my backup, before upgrading it.
@Chris (deprecated profile) is there a way to downgrade my installation?
The standard upgrade process for airbyte is: you take your archive of 0.19 and run migration on top of it to produce a new archive compatible with 0.26.1 that you can import in a fresh 0.26.1 instance to restore your configurations from your old 0.19 archive So there shouldn’t be a need to get a 0.19 up and running at the moment
but yes if you wanted, you can retrieve the
file from the 0.19 branch and start your server with that older version
@Chris (deprecated profile) these are the only files that are part of the backup, I don’t see
This is the unzipped folder from the back up I exported from the Airbyte GUI
those files are not in the archive, please follow the steps as described here: https://docs.airbyte.io/upgrading-airbyte