Since there isn't a way to connect via ssh key in ...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Since there isn't a way to connect via ssh key in the UI, I'm running into connection errors.
Could not connect with provided configuration. Error: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (The connection attempt failed.)
How do you recommend I connect to my postgres db on ec2?
Are you expecting to ssh tunnel into EC2 and then connect to the database directly from there? (As opposed to connecting to an open port on a host exposed to your airbyte server)
Not necessarily, just trying to set up a source connection. The latter would work, I just don't know how to do it
Is your postgres db set up directly on EC2? (meaning it’s not AWS RDS; it’s running on ec2). If so, the Security Group configured for that postgres machine needs to specifically allow port 5432 (or whatever it’s running on, that’s the default) to be used as an inbound port, with a Source of the address of where you’re running airbyte. You may want to check with your security folks to ensure that’s a safe way to set things up for your particular environment. Then airbyte’s connector would point to hostname of the postgres ec2 instance and port of 5432 (or whatever alternate port you’re running on).
👀 1
I’m working on ssh tunnel support but don’t have an ETA for that. If your security folks require that, stay tuned for that feature to come. To get started for now, focus on whether you can safely open the inbound port for postgres.
Thanks Jenny. I passed the message along to our DevOps folk. Do you have instructions if it's on AWS RDS? Yeah, I saw the ssh tunnel support as an open ticket on github/slack. Definitely would be a much appreciated feature.
RDS is similar, but I’m not sure how their ports are controlled. It might still be a security group, but it’s more likely to already be somewhat open in order to facilitate RDS being usable at all. You’ll have to dig into the security details, since I don’t know how your network is structured. The end goal is the same: you get a host and port to connect directly to the database.