:question: Does Airbyte offer anything around Au...
# contributing-to-airbyte
Does Airbyte offer anything around Audit Logging? Thank you!
Could you mention a little more what you're looking for? Are you trying to move audit logs or you want audit logging on who set up what source, etc?
The latter. Our security team has questions on the visibility we will have on all actions done in Airbyte. So indeed “who set up what source” is part of it. Thank you @charles!
Any update @charles? 🙂
Got it. Yeah. This is a feature that we will definitely support but it's probably not on our roadmap for Q1. That's probably as much clarity as I have right now. If you can create an issue for it that would be helpful. We taken into account heavily the amount of community interest in issues and so If you create the issue and a lot of other people comment on it or 👍 it that will push it up in our priority.