Hi all, I’m testing airbyte deployment with GKE au...
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Hi all, I’m testing airbyte deployment with GKE autopilot and it seems like HostPort/pod affinity is not permited in autopilot as the error below says.
Copy code
kubectl apply -k kube/overlays/stable 

serviceaccount/airbyte-admin created
<http://role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/airbyte-admin-role|role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/airbyte-admin-role> created
<http://rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/airbyte-admin-binding|rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/airbyte-admin-binding> created
configmap/airbyte-env-m2467g889g created
configmap/airbyte-temporal-dynamicconfig created
configmap/sweep-pod-script created
secret/gcs-log-creds created
service/airbyte-db-svc created
service/airbyte-minio-svc created
service/airbyte-server-svc created
service/airbyte-temporal-svc created
service/airbyte-webapp-svc created
deployment.apps/airbyte-db created
deployment.apps/airbyte-pod-sweeper created
deployment.apps/airbyte-scheduler created
deployment.apps/airbyte-temporal created
deployment.apps/airbyte-webapp created
persistentvolumeclaim/airbyte-minio-pv-claim created
persistentvolumeclaim/airbyte-volume-configs created
persistentvolumeclaim/airbyte-volume-db created
persistentvolumeclaim/airbyte-volume-workspace created
Error from server ([denied by autogke-no-host-port] container airbyte-minio specifies a host port; disallowed in Autopilot.  error when creating "kube/overlays/stable": admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [denied by autogke-no-host-port] container airbyte-minio specifies a host port; disallowed in Autopilot. 
Error from server ([denied by autogke-pod-affinity-limitation] pod affinity is not allowed in Autopilot on topologyKeys: <{"kubernetes.io/hostname"}>; Autopilot allows pod affinity only on topologyKeys: <["topology.kubernetes.io/region", "topology.kubernetes.io/zone", "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region", "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone"]>.  error when creating "kube/overlays/stable": admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [denied by autogke-pod-affinity-limitation] pod affinity is not allowed in Autopilot on topologyKeys: <{"kubernetes.io/hostname"}>; Autopilot allows pod affinity only on topologyKeys: <["topology.kubernetes.io/region", "topology.kubernetes.io/zone", "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region", "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone"]>.
Are there any workarounds on this issue?
Do you have any clues @Davin Chia (Airbyte)?
is it possible to use a non auto-pilot cluster?
autopilot managed pods for you so there are limitations on how they are scheduled
we are planning to remove this affinity in the next month or so
Thanks a lot! Okay, I’ll use a standard one for now and test the autopilot cluster again in a month then 🙂
👍 1
@Davin Chia (Airbyte) did you remove this affinity - because we would love to setup our cluster on autopilot and your answer is 2month old 😉 greets from Berlin
Hi from Singapore! Yes the pods no longer need to be scheduled on the same node. We haven’t yet tested on Autopilot, so excited to hear how it goes for you
a friend of mine has it already running. im excited to get our stack on autopilot. my devop is working on it atm - but still facing some "problems"
okay, pls create a new threads with any autopilot issues. we are happy to help you out 🙂