Hello there, Quick question on local deployments. ...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hello there, Quick question on local deployments. I've got the airbyte docker stack up and running but it appears to require airbyte account registration before accessing any features. Is this a hard requirement? If so, this would prevent my customer from using airbyte, so I hope there is an alternative. If it's not a hard requirement, how do I go about configuring the stack for an alternative setup? I don't see it mentioned in the docs anywhere I could find. Thanks!
Are you talking about the Onboarding screen?
I suppose so? Basically the screen you see when loading up the stack for the first time requires you to register for or sign into an airbyte account. I was wondering if that means an airbyte account is a hard requirement.
One use case would be to use airbyte on an air-gapped system. If logging into an external service is a requirement, that makes airbyte unusable.
Oh no, it's not required to logging into external system. This is just a step on onboarding.
Ok, great, that's what I hoped. Is there a config or something I can set to bypass onboarding? It doesn't seem to provide access to the rest of the app without singing in.
Ahh, I think I get it now. I tried just registering with dummy data and it let me past the login screen. It wasn't apparent that the login/signup pages would stay local.
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