Sorry I'm trying to setup a destination connector,...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Sorry I'm trying to setup a destination connector, I'm getting an error
trap: ERR: bad trap Removing previous generator if it exists
What OS are you @Corrensa? after the error were you able to choose the option?
I use Deepin linux but i resolved thanks, though sometimes it repeats.
@[DEPRECATED] Marcos Marx
got it
I ran in my machine and the error was throw, but I could create a destination template. Did you?
@[DEPRECATED] Marcos Marx Yes i did but only when i don't get that error
I made a PR to correct this: could you change the and try running again?
it's a very simple change
okay, sorry can i provide a feedback tomorrow, I'm going off to catch up early
👍 1
@[DEPRECATED] Marcos Marx I used this generate from the repo i forked sometime
Copy code
#!/usr/bin/env sh

_UID=$(id -u)
_GID=$(id -g)
# Remove container if already exist
echo "Removing previous generator if it exists..."
docker container rm -f airbyte-connector-bootstrap >/dev/null 2>&1

# Build image for container from Dockerfile
# Specify the host system user UID and GID to chown the generated files to host system user.
# This is done because all generated files in container with mounted folders has root owner
echo "Building generator docker image..."
docker build --build-arg UID="$_UID" --build-arg GID="$_GID" . -t airbyte/connector-bootstrap

# Run the container and mount the airbyte folder
if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
  echo "2 arguments supplied: 1=$1 2=$2"
  docker run --name airbyte-connector-bootstrap --user $_UID:$_GID -e package_desc="$1" -e package_name="$2" -v "$(pwd)/../../../.":/airbyte airbyte/connector-bootstrap
  echo "Running generator..."
  docker run --rm -it --name airbyte-connector-bootstrap --user $_UID:$_GID -v "$(pwd)/../../../.":/airbyte airbyte/connector-bootstrap

echo "Finished running generator"

exit 0
This worked fine
👍 1
Copy code
Removing previous generator if it exists...
While trying to generate a connector, an error occurred on line  of and the process aborted early.  This is probably a bug.
☝️ tha's what happens when i tried to substitute ERR with EXIT
octavia thanks 1
thanks @Corrensa!
Did you able to run with previous version right? I open an issue to investigate further this problem.
Found this is in GH: Is there a suggested workaround @[DEPRECATED] Marcos Marx ? I am also getting the same error on OS X 11.5.2
I am trying to get started with a new connector
Got it, but only prompt the error message or you cant create a new connector?
I cannot create the new connector. halts after printing that error to the terminal
Rodrigo could you test the script gave by Corrensa (some messages above)? Also if possible post in the issue your problem too:
I'm on same version as you on OS. I could run with ./ using iTerm or in the Intelllij terminal.
hmm that’s odd, I had pulled all changes from master before running… will be give a go again soon
Removing previous generator if it exists...
While trying to generate a connector, an error occurred on line 13 of and the process aborted early. This is probably a bug.
Pulled from master, still the same error unfortunately
nevermind, the issue was with my local Docker installation, the generator works. The error message could be improved though.