Hey Airbyte Team, I am trying to use Airbyte to br...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hey Airbyte Team, I am trying to use Airbyte to bring in several HubSpot tables but no matter how I configure the connector I get errors — the connector has tried to run three different times (3 attempts each, so 9 times total) and not one has succeeded. Here is the most recent failure logs. Am I missing something? Is there anyone who can give some guidance on this? Thank you in advance for your help! P.S. I tried originally to normalize the data by using that option in the configuration and got normalization errors so I removed it. But theoretically, if normalization is possible that is what I would prefer.
Could you please try to downgrade the Hubspot connector version to the 0.1.10 in the settings > sources, than update the schema of the connection, or set up the new connection and try again.
Please comment your case into this issue + attach the log file https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues/5835
Sorry for the late reply Oleksandr! I’m trying your first suggestion now and I’ll let you know if it works. Thanks!
Hey Oleksandr! I downgraded the connector and reset/reran it yesterday. And it looks like it got further along and even created the tables and added data to the tables — but then errorred out at the very end. I do see a lot of these error messages throughout the logs though: 2021-09-09 021540 ERROR () LineGobbler(voidCall):85 - requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 414 Client Error: Request-URI Too Large for url: https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contact?limit=100&properties=… Is there something I can do to put limits so it doesnt error out in this ^ way?
Should I recreate the connector?
This is the known issue, with
414 Client Error: Request-URI Too Large for url
for some customer’s that have a lot of data and properties, this issues occurs, we are on the way of finding out the workaround
Please follow the issue to track the changes
At this point, you might be able to disable the particular stream that is causing the issue from the sync operation, if that’s the option for you
Oh actually, I’m sorry, I just realized that the data in the tables might be from a different run attempt, sorry for the miscommunication. But it did still give me that error! Okay we might try removing the problem schema. So the issue is being communicated about in that Github issue you sent?
Yes, please
Okay we can do that. Thanks for your help Oleksandr!