Has anyone had any experience working with AWS STS...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Has anyone had any experience working with AWS STS as an alternative means of AWS authentication to access tokens for Airbyte connectors? We're looking to use the Snowflake connector with S3 staging but restrictions in place mean we can't create explicit IAM users and therefore permanent credentials.
Hi @Tim Nichols I dont have knowledge anyone trying this one. There is an issue requesting to launch Airbyte with AWS using roles, is something similar? Do you mind creating a new Github feature issue and add your context in there?
Hi there at the end was the AWS STS to authenticate explored?
I don’t think so @Marco Brea, I’m reviewing the AWS Datalake connector and saw the use of boto.client(“sts”) with role arn. Is it something you’re looking for?
Im in the same situation that @Tim Nichols was, I have a role that has temporary set of credentials granted by aws cli. So no dedicated I AM user with permanent id and secret. I wanted to test from my local but with those credentials its not working. Going to spin a EC2 instance, deploy Airbyte there and check over there.
Got it, yep this is not possible today 😞