Hello Everyone. I have a question. Is there a way ...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hello Everyone. I have a question. Is there a way to dynamically set start_date when retrieving calls from Zendesk? How do we set pagination?
Hi Edwin, it isn't possible right now. Can you explain why do you want to have this option? The pagination is managed by the connector when pulling data
Hi Marcos, thanks for your reply. We want to have that option because the pagination is not working. When we put in the start date, we are only getting 1000 calls only and it is repeated.. I know we have more than 1000 calls from that date because we have an etl process that consume zendesk api. I am not sure if there's something we need to configure.
Edwin if pagination is not working this is a problem with the connector. Could you open a Github issue and post the sync log where you got only 1000 calls?
Sure, thanks Marcos
@Edwin Moleno if you can share your sync logs I can create the issue
Can you please add the issue here as well. I believe my zendesk talk connector isn’t pulling the right data either
@s adding my logs here. i’m seeing the same amount of call data every day and wondering if the streams aren’t pulling correctly
confirming our calls are paginated to 1000
i’ve previously used this connector and it pulled everything so be curious to see the PR that changed things
@gunu are you seeing the same records being puled every time despite it being set to incremental sync?
it seems to be differnet records