hallo all o/ Just deployed airbyte onsite and it’s...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
hallo all o/ Just deployed airbyte onsite and it’s working great - except i can’t seem to get the google analytics connector to connect properly, i’m not sure what i’m doing wrong
Hello @Patrick McKinley! What error or issue are you facing? Did you create the connector or not able to create it?
i’m getting 403 errors on the google analytics endpoint
i’ve connected it, added the service account (although i’d prefer oauth2.0 - but the fields don’t make sense for that usecase) - and the connector validates - but when i try to sync it gets an error
Hey can you share the logs here
sorry, been in back to back meetings today 🙂
1 sec, just gonna redact some sensitive stuff from it
@Patrick McKinley can you confirm you have the right permissions with the API Token you're using?
i think so - the service account is linked to my account that has access to the GA api through other means. TBH i’m not confident in that as i’ve never used the service account stuff i’d rather use the oauth2 flow but the fields don’t really make sense for that