when loading a file from S3 to Snowflake, is it po...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
when loading a file from S3 to Snowflake, is it possible to prevent airbyte from inferring the table schema? e.g. I want everything to load as raw strings and I will cast with dbt, but I see some cols are coming in as integer. I set the connection with Raw data - no normalization
👀 1
Hey Noel is there some problem in converting it from the raw tables ?
I think it is safer to load all as strong and determine proper casting later. When I select raw I expected raw. Also, I think this is adding time to the initial setup because it is scanning all files in a directory.
Also providing a schema works, but it is a lot of work since table has 300+ cols
Got it. Do you mind creating a feature request in github
Thanks Noel. Team will look into it some time