*Is this your first time deploying Airbyte*: Yes *...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Is this your first time deploying Airbyte: Yes OS Version / Instance: n1-standard-2 Memory / Disk: 30Gb Deployment: GCP (Compute Engine) Airbyte Version: 0.30.19-alpha Source name/version: NA Destination name/version: NA Description: When I deployed the first time on GCP the link in GCP terminal redirected me to the url like https://8000-8d954b67-b5e4-4836-acfa-0327d882a3b4.cs-europe-west4-bhnf.cloudshell.dev/onboarding instead of https://localhost/8000. I set up a connection and it is running. The question: should I use the link in cloud shell to edit, set up new pipelines and forget about https://localhost/8000 from the docs https://docs.airbyte.io/deploying-airbyte/on-gcp-compute-engine? If I loose this link can I recreate it without loosing current setup (pipelines, sources)?
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Hey Khristina unless you delete the deployment the data is persisted. But did you try
gcloud --project=$PROJECT_ID beta compute ssh airbyte -- -L 8000:localhost:8000 -N -f
this ?
This should let you access it on localhost
@Harshith (Airbyte) thank you! It is great that it is persisted. Yes, sure, I tried several times accordingly to the guide, but it didn't work. So localhost worked when I tested local development, but didn't work when I tested the development in Google Cloud (Compute Engine). I will keep trying, but if I can just use the link from the terminal to access the UI I assume it is ok.
Got it. Yeah it should be fine.
@Harshith (Airbyte) fantastic! Thank you. Do I understand correctly then when it is implemented in Google Cloud(Compute Engine), not locally I can access UI with pipelines from any computer (not just my computer)?
yeah you can if you have put to public
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