In airflow, i write my dags in python code, and in...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
In airflow, i write my dags in python code, and in dbt i write my data transformations in code. is there a way to define connections in airbyte as code? so that we can version control, integrate into ci/cd pipelines, etc
👍 1
Hi @Niclas Grahm, this is an highly requested feature that we are working on 😄
👍 1
Hi @[DEPRECATED] Augustin Lafanechere when do you think this feature will be available where we can write airbyte data pipelines as code and include them as part of CI/CD process?
I second this!
Is there a GitHub issue for this so we can follow/contribute
That would be a great feature - are there any updates on it? Or as mentioned above - any GitHub issues to follow?