Hey all, I'm a total noobie to airbyte and I have...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hey all, I'm a total noobie to airbyte and I have really simple orchestration/ingestion needs for a client, any chance I can run airbyte on cloud run and scale to 0 or similar? I'd love to have it run for a few hours a day (and I'm happy to ping it at a specific time to wake up). Is this something that is supported currently?
I'm assuming the config files may not be persisted for this? Any other way someone has got this working for a low monthly cost?
config files would be persisted, you could docker-compose up & down as needed
Thanks @s, so I could deploy this on Google Cloud run or similar?
(If you have any instructions on doing this that would be amazing too)
There isn't instructions to deploy on Google Cloud Run @ns, I recommend you to deploy locally and see what you need to do to achieve your goal deploy on GCR.
👍 1