Hi everyone! We are developing a tool that downlo...
# contributing-to-airbyte
Hi everyone! We are developing a tool that downloads Airbyte's data (sources, connections and destinations mainly), to store it inside a Git repo for future use This tool allows then to use this information (in json format) to load and restore (or configure a new Airbyte instance) as it was at "extraction time". It's quite like the Export-Import stuff inside Settings in the UI We acknowledge certain fields are hidden behind ****** in the API response (we use Git Secrets to load them when needed), but some others (like S3) are exposing critical information, i.e
Is there anywhere in the docs, or Airbyte's repos, where we could find a list of the hidden (and non-hidden) fields for the different connectors? Finding them out by trial and error, taking into account the vast number of connectors available, is extremely difficult.
Hi @Bruno, each source and destinations specs contains the
boolean attribute that will help you identify these fields.
Are you interacting with our API to download Airbyte's configurations?
Yes, I do. I'm searching in the docs and can't find those specs you mention
Example for postgres source definition:
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curl -X POST "<http://localhost:8000/api/v1/source_definition_specifications/get>" \
 -H "Accept: application/json" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"sourceDefinitionId":"decd338e-5647-4c0b-adf4-da0e75f5a750"}'
Sample of the response:
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"password": {
        "type": "string",
        "order": 4,
        "title": "Password",
        "description": "Password associated with the username.",
        "airbyte_secret": true
@[DEPRECATED] Augustin Lafanechere thank you for your response. Those fields/properties with
airbyte_secret: true
are only for UI 'hiding'? Doesn't the API hide the information too? In some sources/destinations (like Postgres) we get the '*******' values (as expected for those with airbyte_secret enabled), but others like S3 won't do so. I've read a bit about Octavia and it looks really promising.
Ok thanks for these details, I thought first that you wanted to find a way to identify a secret fields. Let me dig into this and I'll come back to you.
Great. So it's supposed that
fields should be
in the API response? I was about to create an issue in Github
HI @Bruno I think what you are pointing is related to this already known issue
We have a
method that need to be improved in this file:
Could you tell me on which connector you have this exposed aws key?
Good morning @[DEPRECATED] Augustin Lafanechere! Thanks for the last message, I was a bit lost when reading
. That issue states the following: As of #6114 we will have a more complete template for parsing JsonSchema configs/objects which could likely be adapted. And that #6114 was merged into 0.29.22-alpha #6450
We are having these problems with S3 connectors. In its fields it's clear:
Copy code
"aws_access_key_id": {
                        "title": "Aws Access Key Id",
                        "description": "In order to [...],
                        "airbyte_secret": true,
                        "type": "string"
 "aws_secret_access_key": {
                        "title": "Aws Secret Access Key",
                        "description": "In order to [...]",
                        "airbyte_secret": true,
                        "type": "string"
But when retrieving a S3 source from the API, those fields are plain-text 😞
Yes I think it's because these fields are nested under the
property and are non-oneof. The comment about fixing the
was added in the #6114 PR, so it's probably still a todo. @Jared Rhizor (Airbyte) do you confirm? 😄
Oh I linked it in the original comment.