I'm trying to make a connection between a MS SQL d...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
I'm trying to make a connection between a MS SQL database and an S3 bucket. Both source and destination test perfect but when I try to make the connection it errors out. I think this is because there are too many tables in the source for it to parse the schema in the allowed time and so it is timing out... Any way around this?
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Hi @Justin Cole, you may try to create a user with permissions to read only the tables you'd like to replicate. I'm not sure it's working for MS SQL though, but I know that the postgres connector we have only lists the table it can read.
That's a good point. Unfortunately I don't have access to the server directly to make such changes. I can suggest it to the person who does, though.
Could you please share the error you have? Is it a timeout error?
It just says "an unknown error has occured" on the screen. Let me try to grab the logs and find what the logs say
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You can download server logs from the settings page
Yep. Got them. Trying to find the relevant entires now ๐Ÿ™‚
Feel free to send me the full logs.
I'm afraid I've no easy workaround to suggest. We are aware of this problem and have an open issue that you can subscribe to in order to receive updates.
According to your logs, I'm not sure that the root cause is the one we are considering. Could you try to setup a connection with a different source and check if it works?
It does. I have the destination set up and working with a different database on that same server.
(Sorry for the delay, I was in a meeting)
Maybe one suggestion here: if youโ€™re trying to only sync a few tables from your database you can create views in a different schema reducing the number of streams to sync ๐Ÿ™‚