Hello I am new to Airbyte and docker, and I have i...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hello I am new to Airbyte and docker, and I have issues setting up both on my local and on EC2 running AWS Linux 2 For Local, when trying to clone the git repo I get the Filename too long error Please how can I successfully clone and pass this stage? Please refer to the first image For EC2, when trying to access airbyte via server_ip:8000, I get the error Cannot reach server. The server may still be starting up. See the second image
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Hey on the EC2 side can you help me understand more 1. All container are running? 2. If so can you share the server logs?
Hello @Harshith (Airbyte) Thank you, I have been able to fix it It was running on low RAM EC2 which reduced service performance and didn't allow some to come up. migrated to a higher resource and it works fine now. Thank you
Also, fixed up the local installation