Hello there, Is it possible to execute not an incr...
# ask-community-for-troubleshooting
Hello there, Is it possible to execute not an incremental sync, nor a full-refresh one but something in the middle? I have a use case when I only need the last 30 days of data of a source (shopify and Google Analytics in my case) Is it doable?
Hi @Pierre CORBEL, unfortunately, this type of sync mode does not exist. It would be a dynamic full refresh: on each run only retrieve data for the past x days. Could you please share your use case? Maybe this windowing operation is something that should rather be owned by your data warehouse.
thanku 1
In our case, we use our tenants data to determine their size (that will impact different parameters on our stack) Today, we use Fivetran to do an historical sync on their data, but as for all full refreshes, the sync could be very long. However, having only the last 30 days of data could be enough to determine their size, and it would allow us to do a first quick-sync to determine their size, before running the full-sync for standard data-processing
@Pierre CORBEL if it's an ad hoc tenant size evaluation you could create a second connection with a start date parameter set to 30 days ago.
Smooth, will try that (I didn't know we could manually setup the start date 🙂 )
Hello @Augustin Lafanechere (Airbyte), Could you help me find where I can edit the parameter for the start date? I can't find it in the connection / source settings