Could Superset sync data to the destination table ...
# dev-frontend
Could Superset sync data to the destination table which I can choose it ?
Hi Maggie, could you ask your question again? I don't think I understand it.
Superset is an open-source data visualization tool. Airbyte (here) is an open-source data integration tool
You could be using Airbyte to sync data from any source to your destination, and use Superset on that destination to visualize that data (you might some transformation of that data in the destination before the visualization)
Thank you John, I typo it. My question is that if I can choose destination table in connection.
Because destination table is generated by Airbyte with a long name, I want to use standard name in our company.
Is it possible to implement it?
That's not possible right now. Airbyte sets the the output table names. We are working on the ability to add a prefix now. But changing the name more than that is a little further out.
Thanks Charles for clarification 🙂