A bit of story of that change - I decided to upgra...
# dev-frontend
A bit of story of that change - I decided to upgrade formik lib. We are using 2.1.5. From 2.1.6. there appeared a new property to
that was actually before was sort of default. However, if I enable those property to fix e2e - it changes a bit form behaviour: when connectorType is changed - form is cleared. So the question is: do we want to clear all the form when connectorType is changed or we would prefer old behaviour, when you can switch different connector types and your old values in input will be still there? ( I assume that we want option 2 thats why I am downgrading package version )
i actually don't have a strong opinion either way.
i guess the current behavior is nice.
yeah, same for me, so thats why I downgraded.