we're also now featured here: <https://blog.panopl...
# ask-ai
thanks @Trevor Fox! appreciate it 🙂
👍 1
Hi, i find this a bit confounding, that they would promote a tool that may cause them to lose business. Can someone explain that? Background: We are on panoply and now contemplating airbyte
what if we were to power their connectors 🙂?
we don't see Panoply as competition, but more as potential partners / clients.
I assume they think their connectors are great, and I know they continuously improve them, I doubt they would want to cede ground on that.
Yes - I agree that is how you should see them, I am just surprised they are not a little more guarded the other way around
Literally - if airbyte works well, they will lose a client (us). It is real, i'm not being hypothetical
and hi! and congratulations!
and thanks for responding so fast : )
I am delighted we found you, and excited to give it a try
if we achieve our vision, I do think that they will have no choice than to integrate deeply with us. and at that point connectors won't be a differentiator anymore, so they will need to think how to provide even more value to their market, on top of that. Airbyte will only focus on the data pipeline and won't do anything in terms of business-level transformation & co, so that's where they need to be the best at for their audience
I totally understand your goals and vision John and I am here cheering you on. I just don't get why they would promote a company that stands to undermine one of their own product lines, and eventually take business away from them - like potentially us. Sounds so crazy it makes me think I'm missing something, but I don't see what it is. Maybe it's just plain and simple a misstep by their content team.
I guess we will never know 🙂
I do personally think they have great content, it is how they came to my attention when I was trying to learn about the space. I read that article again - and I think the reality is they painted themselves into a corner a bit, by being so thorough that they can hardly not mention serious contenders especially in an article like that one. I guess it's a strategy: win a lot of SEO and content views, and hope you skim enough payers out of it, even if you end up losing some potential clients by pointing out open source versions.
Thanks for your time.