Baah, why was i so transparent. I did point out th...
# ask-ai
Baah, why was i so transparent. I did point out that it was OS and that we'd be self-hosting it. In hindsight, might've been better not to even mention Airbyte. .
We’re still trying to get Airbyte whitelisted.
For some reason they’re treating us like a hosted SaaS tool for everyone managing and self-hosting an instance...
"Airbyte should have its own API token and all you have to do is sign in with your AdWords account."
@Jared Rhizor (Airbyte) Their response doesn't make me optimistic. How can Airbyte have its own token and not have it leaked if it's not SaaS ?
Yeah it’s impossible to do what they’re saying in a self-hosted environment.
Their classification of Airbyte also isn’t consistent with other OSS ETL/ELT tools.
I wonder if you can just instruct users to request token by saying "it's X app, which is whitelisted".
the Google response seems to fundamentally misunderstand Airbyte, and I really think a lot is just getting lost in translation. I honestly think if I can get someone on the phone for 15 minutes they can see this does not violate the policy (but they refused). context: I’ve been going back and forth with them for 1+ month about getting us whitelisted
omg this is brutal!
does google adwords have any developer relations people? they may be a better set of people to plead to and see if they can backchannel 🤔
FWIW they’ve accepted all application from our users when they don’t mention Airbyte 🤷🏼
Good idea Srini
I know one devrel at google, let me reach out
they’re on a totally different team, but maybe we can capitalize on the kevin bacon effect here
airbyte rocket 2
Google Ads token request has always been a mess to me. Thanks for looking into it. I added a PR with a note about this in the Google Adwords documentation.