hello from the Apache Superset community! :wave: ...
# ask-ai
hello from the Apache Superset community! 👋 We’re doing a fun Superset Meetup tomorrow at 9 AM PT. Amit Miran from Nielsen R&D Israel will talk about how they develop & deploy custom viz plugins in Superset. https://www.meetup.com/Global-Apache-Superset-Community-Meetup/events/277835486/
🎉 2
awesome talk @Srini Kadamati i used Superset last year and was a great experience, that time was curious how implement a custom viz but didnt have the chance to do it, maybe in the future
hey Marcos, glad you liked it! Tbh it was a bit more chaotic than I would have liked 😛 and it was Amit’s first time speaking anywhere, but overall it was fine and the key technical ideas were transmitted I feel 🤔
yep was funny the two minutes he talking but showing the other screen, it's not a problem at all. the overall idea was quite well transmitted hope for more next month!
octavia loves 1