Hi friends, I’m looking for a good visualization t...
# ask-ai
Hi friends, I’m looking for a good visualization tool that enables to build and embed dashboards, etc into front-end applications made in vue.js or react.js, reading data from the main datawarehouses of the market like “redshift”, “snow flake”, “bigquery”… some kind of tool like apache superset, may be free (opensource) our paid, just to get some opinion on something you’re using and consider a good option, thanks!
check out metabase
Yo @Cristiano Sarmento would you prefer to create the charts yourself in react? If so https://cube.dev - could be the way to go. It provides a backend to create everything needed for the dashboards but not the UI. So you can fully embed within your existing react app (including styling, chart library whatever) If you want something more out of the box, I’ve had good experience with: https://www.explo.co (not open source though 😞 )
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thanks! I will take a look at these options too!
Redash is a good one too, Cristiano.
I’ll also mention Superset 🙂 https://superset.apache.org/ We have a community channel in our Superset Slack for embedding-superset
but generally speaking, its still a bit painful to embed Superset dashboards to be completely honest!
yeah I’ve heard good things about Good Data (pun not intended)
Cube is doing some interesting work here as well: https://cube.dev/
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in Superset land, I’ve spoken to a few teams building entire data products (mostly showing customer data to customers) on top of Superset. It’s a bit hacky, hoping that the community will improve embedded experience soon! 🙏
thanks all for the answers, I’m sorry for being late to thank you!
Just throwing in my 2c - https://preset.io/ is hosted Superset which gets rid of all the deployment headaches, works straight out of the box and seat cost is about $20 per user per month, which is pretty reasonable (depending on team size obviously. We’ve been using it and think it’s pretty good.
I’m not affiliated btw, also it’s founded by the guy who created Apache Superset as well as Apache Airflow…
I work at Preset / on Superset, so also happy to answer any questions 🙂
Thanks @Srini Kadamati!