Wanted to get thoughts around this: <https://githu...
# feedback-and-requests
Wanted to get thoughts around this: https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/issues/8503 It seems like most of the focus was on the performance characteristics, but another thing to consider would be there's quite a bit more data you can retrieve from the Shopify GraphQL endpoint that doesn't exist in the rest API. It also seems like this is the direction Shopify is heading is the GraphQL endpoint being the preferred way to interface with Shopify. I wouldn't be surprised if the APIs continue to diverge over time. One example is the customer journey data, this only exists in the GraphQL API and is quite important for understanding the data from a marketing perspective. https://shopify.dev/api/admin-graphql/2022-01/objects/CustomerJourneySummary#fields
Thanks for the heads up @Zach, feel free to open a Github issue requesting this stream from Shopify
Thanks for the response @Marcos Marx (Airbyte). Would this make the most sense as a "New Connector Request" issue?
No, only a new stream because the Shopify connector with GAQL already exist right? 😄
It should be a new feature request