When i trying to login with ``` const { user, s...
# help
When i trying to login with
Copy code
const { user, session, error } = await supabaseAuth.auth.signIn({
      email: email,
      password: password,
I can't get to my session or user, i get null back even if i have signup before. I have no idea why is still am on Auth.js file and not on index.js which I should be when i log in
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ive been trying to login users, but getting
ive been trying to login users, but getting 500 error the last few hours - anyone with the same problem atm? const { user, session, error } = await supabase.auth.signUp({ email: 'example23@email.com', password: 'example-password', }); { "code": 500, "msg": "Database error saving new user", "error_id": "9e5df685-77ea-49a7-a96b-a7d864e6719a" }
@Dembe I'm thinking someone accidentally responded to this thread. Are you getting a network request from the call? When you say you expect to be on another page after login, what is supposed to get you to that page?
I Thought that when I log in I check session and if that is true I show a form component instead Login page
But it doesn’t work I need to click on link in email, I just want to pass email and password and then login
Are you saying when you provide an email AND password to signIn it is sending you a verification email and link? If so make sure your password is not null or empty.