I'm trying to upload an avatar file for a testimon...
# help
I'm trying to upload an avatar file for a testimonial. Used to work without the restful api but now it's not working. Can anybody tell me what is wrong with my code? I double checked it and don't get it. I'm passing
to the api but I wonder if i'm not losing data
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// frontend code
saveTestimonial(evt) {
    this.isFetching = true

    const data = new FormData()
    data.append('description', this.description)
    data.append('identity', this.identity)
    data.append('picture', evt.target[2].files[0])


    fetch('/api/testimonials-add', {
      method: 'POST',
      body: data,

// --- API code

    const imageFile = data.files.picture[0]
    const imagePath = `public/${imageFile.originalFilename}`
      .upload(imagePath, imageFile)
      .then(async (response) => {
        await this.supabase.from('testimonials').insert({
          description: data.fields.description[0],
          name: data.fields.identity[0].split('/')[0].trim(),
          occupation: data.fields.identity[0].split('/')[1].trim(),
            'https://qroiybphgipjhkmfsvnj.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/' +
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here is a sample data
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data: {
  "fields": {
    "description": [
      "It is a long established etc..."
    "identity": [
      "Ella Fitzgerald / Singer"
  "files": {
    "picture": [
        "fieldName": "picture",
        "originalFilename": "humble.jpeg",
        "path": "/var/folders/h3/q50t1r917ddbn9xgzzr8z13w0000gq/T/5vrhgasyAb_V-kCHVFhJvZu4.jpeg",
        "headers": {
          "content-disposition": "form-data; name=\"picture\"; filename=\"humble.jpeg\"",
          "content-type": "image/jpeg"
        "size": 498889
What did you do that worked? How is your API setting up a user token or are you using service key?
what worked before was that i was passing
to the supabase object. now I do too but there is an extra step where i transform the data to form data. (yes i'm using service keys)
Are both the storage upload and the database insert failing?
well the db insert depends on the storage upload. since no record is created i assume it's the storage upload that fails
but i have no error messages appearing
anyway no picture is present in storage
You might stick in just a database insert to test if connection is working. If you can't get log messages from your api function then if that works you can at least "log" an error to the database to debug. No errors in the database postgres logs?
There is also an api log under database than might be useful:
ok the connection is working.
i'm not familiar with the logs but there seems to be no errors
I added the code below and no rows were created in the db
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 catch (error) {
    await supabase.from('testimonials').insert({
      description: error.message,
      name: 'error',
      occupation: 'error',
    response.status(500).json({ message: error })
The api logs should show every call thru the API including storage and database along with the data sent and returned. If the storage call is getting there you should see towards the top of the refreshed list.
there is no call except a get request when i browse storage and the pictures already uploaded
i dunno maybe i should try to convert the image to a blob or a file reader
Yeah, I'm not that familiar with server side stuff, but I don't see how passing a client file object without the data is going to cause storage to fetch it. Would the file not have to be on the server filesystem?
dunno, it used to work when i was not using the server : i'm doing this so i can hide my api keys
and if you look at the data, it seems the file becomes
I don't know if this will help https://github.com/supabase/storage-api/issues/86 towards the bottom is a nextjs solution and what they had to do. Not sure what you are using or if it is close, but I suspect there is more to do to upload server side.
i'm using 11ty and alpine
I think more research, or a new question specifically asking about your environment and passing a file to the server for upload is best at this point. You may not get more eyes on this thread now, and I would have to research to learn the issue.
OK i'm doin this now (converting to a blob) and fetch says invalid url. but when i enter the url in terminal, the image opens.
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const imageFile = data.files.picture[0]
    const imagePath = `public/${imageFile.originalFilename}`
      .then(function (response) {
        return response.blob()
      .then(function (blob) {
          .upload(imagePath, blob)
Unhandled rejection: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL: /var/folders/h3/q50t1r917ddbn9xgzzr8z13w0000gq/T/Rep86P8lmnoMO9PHLnFvhOnB.jpeg
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nwsursock@Nicolass-MacBook-Pro crdacode % ll /var/folders/h3/q50t1r917ddbn9xgzzr8z13w0000gq/T/Rep86P8lmnoMO9PHLnFvhOnB.jpeg
-rw-r--r--@ 1 nwsursock  staff  498889 Jun 15 09:56 /var/folders/h3/q50t1r917ddbn9xgzzr8z13w0000gq/T/Rep86P8lmnoMO9PHLnFvhOnB.jpeg