Hello everyone! is there any simple db-beginner-fr...
# help
Hello everyone! is there any simple db-beginner-friendly way to manage the project locally? I did read the "local development" guide (https://supabase.com/docs/guides/local-development) , but I'm having trouble to understand how this actually works, for example; how can I rollback to a previous state of DB?, can I manage all of that with regular git?, I'm not getting the "migrations" concept that well but I would like to learn! thanks in advance.
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Honestly, for beginners, I believe it is easier to create a dev project in supabase and a production project by migrating from one to the other: https://supabase.com/docs/guides/database#migrating-between-projects
But using a local environment properly set can be very useful with commands like:
supabase db reset
But setting up a local environment is something that can give you headaches if you miss a step. So, you should follow the link there carefully.
Yeah, I'm already struggling with that haha, but that's ok. Is it ok for example if my "versions" and changes in time over the project, are just a dump sql that I can versionate? I don't think that's sustentable in time but I might be so wrong any way.
I just want to for example keep control on what I change on a table, in a function, the last week, so I can compare, etc
just like git
You can use these commands to dump/ restore the database: https://supabase.com/docs/guides/database#migrate-the-database
Thank you so much @mansueli
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