This is my first time trying to use Supabase and I...
# help
This is my first time trying to use Supabase and I have no experience with the backend, so this may be a dumb question. I'm trying to link my front end app to my DB with a magic link.
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Hi it's okay, there is no dumb question! What's your question? @Sojo
One sec, getting a couple screenshots
Didn't mean to send the message quite yet
I took the code show directly from the magic link documentation. When I attempt the handleLogin() function I get this error.
I'm also getting a type error in my IDE
My supabase.ts file is:
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import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";

const url = "//";
const key = //redacted

export const supabase = function () {
  if (url && key) {
    console.log("client created...");
    return createClient(url, key);
  } else {
    console.log("Error: No Supabase URL or Key found");
Oh, and if it's relavent, I'm using Next.js
Remove the
from the
My guess is an instance of the supabase client isn't being created due to the url being incorrect.
Same messages still showing unfortunately.
I was able to get the next.js example todo project up and running, so I don't think the issue is my Supabase config
I think the line of code should have been
const url = "";
Ah now I see the issue, the supabase you are exporting is a function, so you need to call it as a function when using it
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If you don't want to have to do that, you can self invoke the function on creation instead and then you can freely use
without it being a function call.
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export const supabase = (function () {
  if (url && key) {
    console.log("client created...");
    return createClient(url, key);
  } else {
    console.log("Error: No Supabase URL or Key found");
That seems to do the trick, but now I'm getting the the message "You must provide either an email, phone number, a third-party provider or OpenID Connect."
I also think the supabase library itself already has checks for url and key, so you don't really need to be doing this in your code. You can just create the client and pass it to the const.
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export const supabase = createClient(url, key);
Yeah, I originally was passing in Next.js env variables and wanted those checks just in case.
But then I hard coded them
You are getting an error because you aren't passing an email to the
Yeah the checks aren't necessary, the supabase client won't work if those values are present and it will throw an error You can see that from the code here
Ok, I think that works now!
Just had to change it to
supabase.auth.signIn({ email: userEmail });
Thank you so much!
You're welcome