Hi everyone, does anyone knows about raw query fea...
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Hi everyone, does anyone knows about raw query feature in javascript version?
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Do you have more information on what you are referring to? The closest thing is using rpc calls to postgres functions.
I read the problem in Github, so its not available now, right?
Yes I have been trying using RPC, but it doesn't work
When I use this query, its working: ``select * from user_transactions(1,1);``
but if I use RPC, its not working: ``const {data, error} = await db.rpc("user_transactions", {p_group_id: 1, p_payment_id: 1});``
the parameter, doesn't work
`` CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_transactions (p_group_id bigint, p_payment_id bigint) RETURNS TABLE ( id int8, first_name VARCHAR, mid_name VARCHAR, last_name varchar, pp varchar, total int8 ) AS $$ BEGIN RETURN QUERY select p.id, p.first_name, p.mid_name, p.last_name, p.pp, sum(t.price)::int8 as total from profiles p left join transactions t on t.user_id = p.id and t.payment_id = p_payment_id where p.group = p_group_id group by p.id, p.first_name, p.mid_name, p.last_name, p.pp order by p.first_name; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; ``
that is my query to create the function
I must create a function because of this: ``left join transactions t on t.user_id = p.id and t.payment_id = p_payment_id``
What error are you getting? have you tried running the query on its own inside of the SQL Editor?
Yes it is, there is no error, but we got different records, when I use SQL Editor it is right, but if I use ``db.rpc`` it is not working
Or maybe @silentworks and @garyaustin have any idea how to use this query using supabase javascript `` select p.id, p.first_name, p.mid_name, p.last_name, p.pp, sum(t.price)::int8 as total from profiles p left join transactions t on t.user_id = p.id and t.payment_id = p_payment_id where p.group = p_group_id group by p.id, p.first_name, p.mid_name, p.last_name, p.pp order by p.first_name; ``
You will not be able to run anything close to that in JS client code. You need to use a rpc call and a postgres function. If it worked in SQL editor then you likely have a RLS permission issue. Do you have RLS on any tables? Or something in your rpc call format is wrong, but I don't see anything obvious in your code above. Can you clarify what "it is not working" means? No data, some data in each record, wrong records?
For example, when I pass p_group_id = 2, when I use SQL editor, its working (return p_group_id 2). But if I use RPC, the result is not p_group_id 2 but p_group_id 1
another example, ``sum(t.price)::int8 as total`` not working using RPC, but it's working using SQL Editor
What happens when you call the function you created inside of the SQL Editor?
the result is ok: get p_group_id 2
the result is as I expected
but not while using rpc call