Hey everyone, I'm the worst at SQL and I'm trying ...
# help
Hey everyone, I'm the worst at SQL and I'm trying to create a RLS policy as follows: Plan ---- id, isPublic, ... PlansOnUsers ---- planId, userId Grant access to Plans only when plan isPublic = true or when user is accessing a plan with their own userId, does that make any sense? Is it possible?
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Not tested, but probably something like (mainly copied from : https://supabase.com/docs/guides/auth/row-level-security#policies-with-joins)
Copy code
select using (
    is_public = true OR auth.uid() in (
      select user_id from plans_on_users
      where plan_id = id
If you are really using capital letters then all the names in double quotes like "isPublic". Unless you are being forced to by something like Prisma, it is a bad idea to use caps in Postgres.
Thanks! I'll try this out, yeah exactly, all the caps are because of prisma 😓
where is the "id" field coming from? Is there access to anything in the row level there? Sorry, REAL noob here haha
id is from your Plan table which your RLS is on correct? If you have id in PlansOnUsers then might have to do "Plan".id or some such when caps are involved...
Yeah it worked! I just didn't realize you could access the fields of the row in the where clause like that