If I run the following function through the JS lib...
# help
If I run the following function through the JS library, and the email address does not exist in the Auth table, shouldn't I get an error back? let { data, error } = await supabase.auth.api.resetPasswordForEmail(email)
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Instead, the email is sent to the email that was entered, and then when they click the reset password link in the email they go to the home page of the site with the following string after the domain in the URL
Is there something I should do differently when using the
Thread was archived by @Bryan K.. Anyone can send a message to unarchive it.
I get the same URL redirect with
What I am doing wrong?
Thread was archived by @Bryan K.. Anyone can send a message to unarchive it.
@Bryan K. have you found a solution to your issue? I am facing the exact same problem
Hmm, looks like a workflow issue. I created an issue for it, don't hesitate to subscribe to it to get news: https://github.com/supabase/supabase/issues/7555 cc: @Bryan K. @CarltonC @kbsali
thanks @Olyno , however this is happening with existing users too
Oh no, okay i let you add this information to the issue please, so the team will be able to investigate it